3 Tips When Marketing on a Small Budget


Many believe the misconception to have great marketing you need a large budget. We have a few tips on where to direct your efforts when you are just starting out or working with a small budget.

1. Start with your blog.

Businesses under utilize the power of blogging. Find creative ways to address customer questions and earn their trust by providing your expertise.

2. Recycle your content.

Have you written a blog? There is so much you can do to reuse it. Recycle your content and create a variety of media, such as infographics, videos, emails or podcasts to use on different platforms. This will result in reaching diverse audiences.

3. Reign supreme on social media.

Your social platforms is the place for everything to come together. Don't shy away from using posts, live video or stories to talk about your company culture, encourage user-generated content, arrange collaborative giveaways, interact with your audience and build your brand.

How have you made marketing work on a small budget?

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